Suman Poudel
[email protected]
At Ankuram, we impart well-balanced, concept focused and research-oriented education through progressive curricular practices. We aim to equip our students to shape their own lives and contribution to the lives of the others. The learner is at the center of everything we do, reaps the opportunities for self-directed learning.
Our commitment to delivering complete education has continuously geared up for steady improvement through innovation and technology. Our strong coordination with the management team, teachers, staff, and parents and community together has helped us to explore the best resources and opportunities for learning. Success for us is not only defined by tests, and exam results. Our greatest success is
when the smiling faces enter and leave the school premises every day, and eventually step out into the real world with confidence, skills, knowledge, and compassion, creating a progressive and happy society to live in.
Come and join us, then feel the difference! We view our school as an extension of the child’s home and work tirelessly to recreate a caring, compassionate and safe environment.